Source code for flash_services.utils

"""Useful utility functions for services."""

import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from inspect import Parameter, Signature

from dateutil.parser import parse
from humanize import naturaldelta, naturaltime

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

WORDS = {'1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five',
         '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine', '10': 'ten'}

NUMBERS = re.compile(r'\b([1-9]|10)\b')

[docs]class Outcome: """Possible outcomes for a CI build.""" WORKING = 'working' PASSED = 'passed' CANCELLED = 'cancelled' FAILED = 'failed' CRASHED = 'crashed'
def _numeric_words(text): """Replace numbers 1-10 with words. Arguments: text (:py:class:`str`): The text to replace numbers in. Returns: :py:class:`str`: The new text containing words. """ return NUMBERS.sub(lambda m: WORDS[], text)
[docs]def friendlier(func): """Replace numbers to make functions friendlier. Arguments: func: The function to wrap. Returns: A wrapper function applying :py:func:`_numeric_words`. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Wrapper function to apply _numeric_words.""" result = func(*args, **kwargs) try: return _numeric_words(result) except TypeError: return result return wrapper
naturaldelta = friendlier(naturaldelta) # pylint: disable=invalid-name naturaltime = friendlier(naturaltime) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def elapsed_time(start, end): """Calculate the elapsed time for a service activity. Arguments: start (:py:class:`str`): The activity start time. end (:py:class:`str`): The activity end time. Returns: :py:class:`tuple`: The start and end times and humanized elapsed time. """ start_time = safe_parse(start) end_time = safe_parse(end) if start_time is None or end_time is None: logger.warning('failed to generate elapsed time') text = 'elapsed time not available' else: text = 'took {}'.format(naturaldelta(parse(end) - parse(start))) return to_utc_timestamp(start_time), to_utc_timestamp(end_time), text
[docs]def to_utc_timestamp(date_time): """Convert a naive or timezone-aware datetime to UTC timestamp. Arguments: date_time (:py:class:`datetime.datetime`): The datetime to convert. Returns: :py:class:`int`: The timestamp (in seconds). """ if date_time is None: return if date_time.tzname() is None: timestamp = date_time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() else: timestamp = date_time.timestamp() return int(round(timestamp, 0))
[docs]def safe_parse(time): """Parse a string without throwing an error. Arguments: time (:py:class:`str`): The string to parse. Returns: :py:class:`datetime.datetime`: The parsed datetime. """ if time is None: return try: return parse(time) except (OverflowError, ValueError): pass
[docs]def occurred(at_): """Calculate when a service event occurred. Arguments: at_ (:py:class:`str`): When the event occurred. Returns: :py:class:`str`: The humanized occurrence time. """ try: occurred_at = parse(at_) except (TypeError, ValueError): logger.warning('failed to parse occurrence time %r', at_) return 'time not available' utc_now = try: return naturaltime((utc_now - occurred_at).total_seconds()) except TypeError: # at_ is a naive datetime return naturaltime(( - occurred_at).total_seconds())
[docs]def health_summary(builds): """Summarise the health of a project based on builds. Arguments: builds (:py:class:`list`): List of builds. Returns: :py:class:`str`: The health summary. """ for build in builds: if build['outcome'] in {Outcome.PASSED}: return 'ok' elif build['outcome'] in {Outcome.CRASHED, Outcome.FAILED}: return 'error' else: continue return 'neutral'
[docs]def estimate_time(builds): """Update the working build with an estimated completion time. Takes a simple average over the previous builds, using those whose outcome is ``'passed'``. Arguments: builds (:py:class:`list`): All builds. """ try: index, current = next( (index, build) for index, build in enumerate(builds[:4]) if build['outcome'] == 'working' ) except StopIteration: return # no in-progress builds if current.get('started_at') is None: current['elapsed'] = 'estimate not available' return usable = [ current for current in builds[index + 1:] if current['outcome'] == 'passed' and current['duration'] is not None ] if not usable: current['elapsed'] = 'estimate not available' return average_duration = int(sum(build['duration'] for build in usable) / float(len(usable))) finish = current['started_at'] + average_duration remaining = (datetime.fromtimestamp(finish) - if remaining >= 0: current['elapsed'] = '{} left'.format(naturaldelta(remaining)) else: current['elapsed'] = 'nearly done'
GITHUB_ISSUE = re.compile(r''' (?: # one of: fix(?:e(?:s|d))? # fix, fixes or fixed | close(?:s|d)? # close, closes or closed | resolve(?:s|d)? # resolve, resolves or resolved )\s*(?:[^/]+/[^#]+)? # the account and repository name \#\d+ # the issue number ''', re.IGNORECASE + re.VERBOSE) """Pattern for commit comment issue ID format, per `GitHub documentation`_. .. _GitHub documentation: """ TRACKER_STORY = re.compile(r''' \[(?: (?: finish(?:e(?:s|d))? # finish, finishes or finished | complete(?:s|d)? # complete, completes or completed | fix(?:e(?:s|d))? # fix, fixes or fixed )? \s*\#\d+\s* # the story ID )+\] ''', re.IGNORECASE + re.VERBOSE) """Pattern for commit hook story ID format, per `Tracker documentation`_. .. _Tracker documentation: """
[docs]def remove_tags(commit_message): """Remove issue/tracker tags from a commit message. Note: Currently implemented for :py:class:`~.Tracker` and :py:class:`~.GitHub` commit messages. Arguments: commit_message (:py:class:`str`): The commit message. Returns: :py:class:`str`: The message with tags removed. """ for remove in [GITHUB_ISSUE, TRACKER_STORY]: commit_message = remove.sub('', commit_message) return commit_message.strip()
[docs]def required_args(attrs): """Extract the required arguments from a class's attrs. Arguments: attrs (:py:class:`dict`) :The attributes of a class. Returns: :py:class:`set`: The required arguments. """ init_args = attr_args = set() if '__init__' in attrs: sig = Signature.from_callable(attrs['__init__']) init_args = set( name for name, param in sig.parameters.items() if param.kind == Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY and param.default is Signature.empty ) if 'REQUIRED' in attrs: attr_args = attrs['REQUIRED'] return set.union(attr_args, init_args)
[docs]def provided_args(attrs): """Extract the provided arguments from a class's attrs. Arguments: attrs (:py:class:`dict`) :The attributes of a class. Returns: :py:class:`set`: The provided arguments. """ return attrs.get('PROVIDED', set())