Source code for flash_services.travis

"""Defines the Travis CI service integrations."""

import logging

from .auth import HeaderMixin
from .core import ContinuousIntegrationService
from .utils import elapsed_time, estimate_time, health_summary, Outcome

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TravisOS(ContinuousIntegrationService): """Show the current status of an open-source project. Arguments: account (:py:class:`str`): The name of the account. app (:py:class:`str`): The name of the application. Attributes: repo (:py:class:`str`): The repository name, in the format ``account/application``. """ ENDPOINT = '/repos/{repo}/builds' FRIENDLY_NAME = 'Travis CI' OUTCOMES = dict( canceled=Outcome.CANCELLED, created=Outcome.WORKING, failed=Outcome.FAILED, passed=Outcome.PASSED, started=Outcome.WORKING, errored=Outcome.CRASHED, ) ROOT = '' def __init__(self, *, account, app, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.account = account = app self.repo = '{}/{}'.format(account, app) @property def headers(self): headers = super().headers headers.update({ 'Accept': 'application/vnd.travis-ci.2+json', 'User-Agent': 'Flash', }) return headers
[docs] def format_data(self, data): """Re-format the response data for the front-end. Arguments: data (:py:class:`dict`): The JSON data from the response. Returns: :py:class:`dict`: The re-formatted data. """ commits = {commit['id']: commit for commit in data.get('commits', [])} builds = [ self.format_build(build, commits.get(build.get('commit_id'), {})) for build in data.get('builds', []) ] estimate_time(builds) return dict( builds=builds[:4], health=health_summary(builds), name=self.repo, )
[docs] @classmethod def format_build(cls, build, commit): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Re-format the build and commit data for the front-end. Arguments: build (:py:class:`dict`): The build data from the response. commit (:py:class:`dict`): The commit data from the response. Returns: :py:class:`dict`: The re-formatted data. """ start, finish, elapsed = elapsed_time( build.get('started_at'), build.get('finished_at'), ) return super().format_build(dict( author=commit.get('author_name'), duration=( None if start is None or finish is None else finish - start ), elapsed=elapsed, message=commit.get('message'), outcome=build.get('state'), started_at=start, ))
[docs]class TravisPro(HeaderMixin, TravisOS): """Show the current status of a pro ( project. Arguments: account (:py:class:`str`): The name of the account. api_token(:py:class:`str`): The API token. app (:py:class:`str`): The name of the application. Attributes: repo (:py:class:`str`): The repository name, in the format ``account/application``. """ FRIENDLY_NAME = 'Travis CI' ROOT = TravisOS.ROOT.replace('.org', '.com') def __init__(self, *, api_token, **kwargs): api_token = 'token "{}"'.format(api_token) super().__init__(api_token=api_token, **kwargs)